Mr. Bernier's Physical Education Website
Welcome to my new classroom website!
My name is Matt Bernier and this will be my 1th year teaching Physical Education in Crivitz . I am also involved coaching football and summer strength and conditioning. I will be teaching Phy. Ed. 9-10 and Phy. Ed. 11-12, strength and conditioning and also adaptive phy. ed. The best time to reach me is before school from 7:30-7:45 and during my prep period. The best way to contact me is or at 715-854-2721 x 316. I look forward to a great year and if you have any questions please ask, I'm here to help!
Daily Schedule:
1st hour Physical Education 11-12
2nd hour Adaptive Physical Education
3rd hour Physical Education 9-10
4th Prep
5th Hour ACP
6th hour Strength and Conditioning
7th Hour Physical Education 9-10
8th Hour Physical Educaiton 11-12
Flex Period: Gym/Weight Room
Grading Scale
A 100-93 C 76.99 - 73
A- 92.99-90 C- 72.99 - 70
B+ 89.99-87 D+ 69.99-67
B 86.99-83 D 66.99-63
B- 82.99-80.00 D-62.99-60
C+ 79.99-77 F 59-