Welcome to the Crivitz School District!
The School District of Crivitz provides a state and nationally recognized high quality educational program offering not only challenging academics but also a wide variety of extracurricular activities to meet the needs of all our students. Our School District benefits from, and is very thankful for the strong support of the community. Through local partnerships, innovative programs, a truly caring and engaged staff, and with community input, the District is developing the community’s youth, leading to their being college and career ready. Preparing our students in a safe, respectful, and caring environment for a productive life in our local and global society is the hallmark of the School District of Crivitz.
- District Administrator
District Announcements
2025-26 School Year Calendar Early Start Notice
Please click on the article title to view an informational letter from the District Administrator in regard to the 2025-26 school year calendar.
Weather-Related School Closing Information (Updated 11/5/2024)
Please click on the article title to view an informational letter from the District Administrator in regard to weather-related school closings.
Military Service Wall Memorial
The Crivitz School District is in the planning stages of creating a service wall memorial that will be located in the lobby area of the Crivitz Middle/High School. We would like to include the names of all individuals who have attended school in the Crivitz School District and served, or are serving, in a branch of the military. If you know of anyone who fits this criteria, please click on the article title/heading to provide the necessary information to include them on this memorial wall.
Mission Statement
The School District of Crivitz is committed to providing all the skills and opportunities necessary for every student in our district to receive the best education possible. This will be accomplished through the responsible and effective use of the resources entrusted us in a manner reflecting the moral and ethical standards of our community, demonstrating integrity in all our actions, respecting the opinions and input of others. This to ensure that all our students are prepared as successful citizens in our local and global society.
School Year Calendar Events
February 19, 2025
4:00 PM - 7:30 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 7, 2025
March 10, 2025
March 11, 2025
March 12, 2025