My Home Page

  • Welcome to Mr. Sommerfeldt's classroom website!

    Thanks for taking the time to check out my website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 

    Dual credit classes means juniors and seniors receive high school and college credit for those courses. The college credit portion is transcribed through NWTC. If you are not planning on attending NWTC, you may still take these courses for college credit as a junior or senior. Whether the NWTC transcribed credits transfer to another college is based on each individual college's standards. You would have to check with the college of your choice. We currently offer Intro to Business for dual credit through NWTC. We also offer a Leadership course for dual credit through St Norbert College. 

    The class syllabi which includes my classroom expectations are listed under the my resources link in the side menu. 

    All juniors are now required to complete a job shadow. If they have a stronger interest in a particular field, they can also register for our Internship class!

    Feel free to set up a parent meeting at 7:30 am regarding any of the above by contacting me or calling me.

    My number one suggested study habit is don't fall behind. All human beings tend to become overwhelmed when they fall behind and students are no different. You can access grade information through skyward's family access.

    Below you will find links to three helpful business websites regarding entrepreneurism, personal budgeting and marketing.