Classroom News
Welcome to the News page!
Communication is a key to any class. Under this section, you may find upcoming events and important dates or general classroom information.
Where does your child go after school?
**Please make sure to let us know if there is a change in where your child is to go each night. If they need to ride a different bus, if they have a sporting activity after school, or if you will be picking them up. (Call/send note/email) We will put your child on the bus or bring your child to you in the main hall. You will be able to wait in the main hall if you are picking your child up after school.
If you bring your child to school: You will have to wait by the benches in the main hall until the bell rings with your child. You will need to have a picture ID and check in the office to bring your child down to the classroom.
Daily Notebook:
** Each day I will let you know what we did at school and let you know how your child did at school. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Any changes in your child's schedule--communication is key between home and school.
Any Concerns.....
Let me know and we will set up a time that is convenient for you that we can meet and talk about your concern.