My Home Page

  • Welcome to Mrs. Gehm’s Website!


    I am a Special Education Teacher working with students who have been identifed with an Autism or Coginitive Disability in the Crivitz Elementary and Middle School. I am looking forward to another exciting school year!

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. The best time to reach me by phone is 7:30am - 8:00am and 3:00pm-3:30pm and by email any time. I am availably for parent meetings before and after school on most days.


    Contact Information:

    Room Number – 100

    Phone Number – 715-854-2721 ext. 445

    Email –


    Daily Schedule:

    I support students in the regular education classrooms daily. I teach adapted daily living skills, social skills and pre-vocational skills in my classroom and home ec. room.


    Classroom Expectations for Behavior:

    Students are expected to follow the classroom and school wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS). Students are expected to follow the Three R's: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect Property.


    Classroom Expectations for Assignments/Homework/Quizes/Tests:

    Students are to participate and complete assigned work to the best of their ability with accomodations and modifications in place as deemed appropriate by IEP team.


    Reporting Progress:

    Student progress will be reported quarterly by parent/teacher conferences and progress reports and annually by IEP.


    Suggested Study Habits:

    Students are to practice proper independent daily living and social skills daily. Please practice math and reading skills at their individual skill level.




Mrs. Gehm